Titles by Jerome Holtzman
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Titles Found: 3

Believe It! (2 Formats) ›By Chicago Tribune, Foreword by Jerome Holtzman
Trade Paper Price 19.95
Trade Paper, PDF
ISBN 9781572438583Published Apr 2006
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal>Eighty-eight years after their last World Series win, the Chicago White Sox made up for lost time by sweeping the Houston Astros to become the 2005 world champions of baseball. With 99 regular-season wins, the Sox brought the second-best record in baseball to the postseason. Only one loss to the Angels prevented a complete sweep in every phase of their postseason play to win with an impressive 11–1 record. <I>Believe It!</I> celebrates the White Sox’s championship season, its players, its manager, and its rich history. This book features the writing of <I>Chicago</I> <I>Tribune </I>columnists John Kass, Rick Morrissey, and Mike Downey, who provide a narrative of the season and World Series win. There are exclusive interviews with key contributors—manager Ozzie Guillen, slugger Paul Konerko, ace Mark Buerhle, and more—in which they talk about baseball and life with the Sox. And for the statistician fans, the not-to-be-missed numbers behind the season and throughout White Sox history are included.
The Jerome Holtzman Baseball Reader (3 Formats) ›By Jerome Holtzman
Cloth Price 19.95
Cloth, EPUB, Mobipocket
ISBN 9781572434936Published Apr 2003
Jerome Holtzman has covered the sport of baseball for the Chicago Daily Times, Chicago Sun-Times, and Chicago Tribune since the mid 1940s, now his thoughts and best columns are collected together in one edition as an official history of Major League Baseball.

The New Biographical History of Baseball (3 Formats) ›By Donald Dewey, By Nicholas Acocella, Foreword by Jerome Holtzman
PDF Price 11.99
PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket
ISBN 9781623687397Published Jan 2002
In a special collector's edition format, this revised edition of The New Biographical History of Baseball presents updated statistical research to create the most accurate picture possible of the on-field accomplishments of players from earlier eras. It offers original summaries of the personalities and contributions of over 1,500 players, managers, owners, front office executives, journalists, and ordinary fans who developed the great American game into a national pastime. Each individual included has had an impact on the sport as mass entertainment or as a cultural phenomenon, and as an athletic art or a business enterprise. Also included are first-time entries on players like Sammy Sosa and Albert Belle, and expanded entries for such players as Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. This special resource for fans of baseball reflects the breakout talent and enduring fan favorites from all eras of the historic game.